Egipto, terra de maravilhas antigas. Desde as majestosas pirâmides de Gizé até às serenas margens do rio Nilo, uma terra que prosperou e desafiou a História com os seus mistérios. Esta é a tua porta de entrada para explorar os tesouros escondidos dos faraós e os mistérios desta civilização ancestral.
Last updated on 1st June 2024.
Throughout your trip you will be in constant contact with nature and wild animals. Here are some recommendations to minimize your impact on it:
There are lots of things you can learn about a country through its literature, music, cinema or any other art. Here are some suggestions:
The story of the Queen of Sheba appears in sacred religious texts for Jews, Christians and Muslims. Described in the Bible simply as a Queen of the East, modern scholars believe that she came from the Kingdom of Axum in Ethiopia or the Kingdom of Sheba in Yemen. In the original story, she brings a caravan of valuable gifts to King Solomon of Israel, with several bundles of incense. Both countries – Ethiopia and Yemen – claim the Queen of Sheba as their own. Given that they are separated by only 25 kilometers of water, both could be right, since for contemporary historians, Ethiopia and Yemen would then be the kingdom of Sheba.
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